largest peninsula in the world
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16 Largest Peninsulas in the World (By Area)

There are thousands of peninsulas out there. Have you ever wondered which ones are the largest? In this post, I’ll cover the largest peninsulas in the world. They are listed by area – in square miles and kilometers. What’s the world’s largest peninsula? The Arabian Peninsula is the world’s largest at 1.2 million square miles,…

kenyan food

21 Kenyan Food and Drinks to Try (Dishes, Drinks, Desserts in Kenya)

If you’re curious about Kenyan food, this post will help. You’ll learn about traditional cuisine in Kenya – including dishes, desserts, and drinks. Which one do you want to try? 21 Kenya Food Guide: Dishes, Drinks, Desserts Kenyan food is as diverse as the people who prepare it. While there are some cultural staples like…

beach sayings

115 Happy Beach Quotes & Sayings (Sunshine & Ocean Captions)

Looking for some inspirational beach quotes? Here are our favorite beach sayings and captions – perfect for your Instagram post or just to boost your happiness. 115 Beach Quotes and Sayings I put this list of beach quotes together – because I LOVE the beach. And because you’re here, you must love it too. I’ve…

kangaroo food

What Do Kangaroos Eat? All Species (Likes, Plants, Meat?)

What do kangaroos eat? The short answer is grass (like a cow). The longer answer depends on the kangaroo and where it lives. Ground-dwelling kangaroos are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants and vegetables. There are four kangaroo species and they each have slightly different diets. Keep reading to learn more about these beloved Australia…

sumatran tiger

9 Types of Tigers: Guide to All Subspecies (Size, Population, Illegal Trade)

How many tiger species are there? Learn about all 9 types of tigers, including population size, weight, range, illegal trade in tiger parts, and unique features. These types are all subspecies of the tiger species. 9 Types of Tigers: (Guide to All Subspecies) With their grace and powerful form, tigers are some of the most…

red billed oxpecker

19 Facts About African Oxpecker Birds (Both Species of Buphagus)

Have you seen little birds on rhinos and hippos? They are oxpeckers – small parasite-eating birds from Africa. Here are 19 oxpecker bird facts, including diet, symbiotic relationships with hippos, zebras, rhinos, and differences between the species. 1. What does an oxpecker look like? Oxpeckers are small, parasitic birds that grow around 7 – 9…

maracuya facts
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Maracuya: Passion Fruit Guide (Taste, 7 Benefits, How to Eat it)

Maracuya is also called yellow passion fruit. But you may be wondering what it tastes like, if it’s good for you, and how to eat it. We’ll talk about all of that in this post plus share a great recipe resource. Is Maracuya Passion Fruit? Yes. Maracuya is a type of passion fruit grown in…

vegetable ivory

Tagua Nut Guide: South America’s Vegetable Ivory (Vegan, Sustainable)

Tagua nuts are vegan, sustainable faux ivory product grown in South America. Learn about this beautiful jewelry product grown by tagua palms in the Phytelephas genus. If you’re wondering what tagua is, how it’s used and where it comes from, you’re in the right place. What is Tagua Nut? Tagua (also known as vegetable ivory)…

where are the Galapagos Islands located
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Where are the Galapagos Islands Located? Coordinates, Elevation, Timezone…

The Galapagos Islands are a top destination for nature lovers all over the globe. But where are the Galapagos Islands located? Which country do they belong to and how do you get there? We’ll cover this and more in this post, so let’s get started. Where are the Galapagos Islands? The Galapagos Islands are located…