ugly birds

Ugly Birds: 24 Ugliest Birds in the World (Photos, Videos)

Birds come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny hummingbird to the towering bald eagle. But not all birds are beautiful. There are some very ugly birds. Or maybe they’re so ugly that they’re cute? I’ll let you decide. Some of the ugliest birds include the shoebill, Northern bald ibis, ocellated turkey, marabou stork,…

safest countries in europe

9 Safest Countries in Europe: Ranked by Data (Traveler’s Guide)

Thinking of traveling to Europe? You’ve chosen well, since it’s considered to be the most peaceful region in the world, having 7 of the most peaceful countries, according to the Global Peace Index. The safest country in Europe is Iceland. This is based on data from the Global Peace Index. It compares conflict, safety and…

galapagos beaches
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17 Best Galapagos Beaches (8 Islands) Photos, Snorkeling, Wildlife

While the animals are the biggest draw for most Galapagos visitors, the beaches are often where they are seen. They are often seen resting, feeding, or playing on the beach. Or you’ll enter the beach to swim and snorkel with them. Here are the best Galapagos beaches by their island. We’ll begin with the beaches…

camels have 3 eyelids
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Camels Have 3 Eyelids: Here’s Why (Facts and Functions)

You are probably familiar with some of the camel’s special adaptations to live in an environment as harsh and unforgiving as the Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert, the steppes of Mongolia, or even the Australian Outback. What about their eyes? How many eyelids does a camel have? All camels have 3 eyelids. Their 3rd eyelid is…

jaguar vs cheetah
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Jaguar vs Cheetah: 8 Key Differences Compared (Markings, Habitat, etc)

What’s the difference between jaguars vs cheetahs? These two big cats have quite a few interesting points to compare, from size to markings to speed. In this post, we’ll take a look at 8 key differences between jaguars and cheetahs. Jaguars and cheetahs are both large cat species. And while they have a similar appearance,…

baltra island galapagos
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Baltra Island Visitor Guide (Galapagos Gateway) 7 Things to Know

As you plan your trip to the Galapagos Islands, you’ll read about Baltra Island. What can you do on Baltra Island and how do you get there? In this guide, you’ll learn everything for planning your Galapagos trip, via Baltra Island. Baltra Island is one of two primary entry points for travelers. On our three…

ugly insects

12 Ugly Insects to Avoid (Creepy Facts, Photos) Parasites, Bugs

The animal kingdom is incredibly diverse and beautiful. But some creatures are kind of ugly. Many insects are especially prone to gross, even scary appearances. Here are the 12 ugliest insects I’ve seen. Some ugly insects include larvae of human botfly (pictured below), fleas, giant hissing cockroaches, mosquitos, wetas, and bed bugs. Some insects have…

ugly african animals

9 Ugly African Animals to See on Safari: Weird Birds, Mammals

Africa is home to stunning natural attractions, including deserts and jungles. And the continent is home to many beautiful and unique animals. What are some of the ugly African animals? Some sites list just five ugly animals in Africa. I think that there are (many) more than just five. Here are my picks for the…

What is the Loudest Animal in the World

What is the Loudest Animal in the World? dB Levels Compared

Animals are capable of many unique sounds. Many people know about the largest and fastest animals. But what is the loudest animal in the world? The sperm whale is the loudest animal in the world. They make a series of clicking noises that reach up to 236 decibels. The clicks last for 0.5 to 2.0 seconds….

Why Do Lizards Do Push Ups

Why Do Lizards Do Push Ups? 4 Reasons for This Weird Behavior

Lizards are cold-blooded, and their skin is unique in the animal kingdom. They have some unusual habits, including doing push-ups on rocks, trees, or walls. Why do lizards do push-ups? Lizards do push-ups as a mating display so the males can show the females that they are healthy and ready to mate. But both male…