Search Results for: Galapagos

9 Biggest Birds That Fly: World’s Largest by Wingspan and Weight
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9 Biggest Birds That Fly: World’s Largest by Wingspan and Weight

Birds are some of the most majestic creatures on earth and they come in varying sizes and shapes. Which are the biggest birds that fly? Here are the largest birds in the world by wingspan and weight. The largest flying bird in the world by wingspan is the wandering albatross. This enormous bird has a…

11 Smallest Shark Species in the World (Dwarf Lanternshark, Pygmy Shark)

11 Smallest Shark Species in the World (Dwarf Lanternshark, Pygmy Shark)

What makes a shark a shark? Are you picturing a big menacing predator like something from a scary movie? After all, the great white shark, hammerhead, and tiger sharks are quite intimidating. What is the smallest shark in the world? The dwarf lanternshark is the smallest shark in the world. It is under 8″ (20…

8 Safest Countries in South America: Data Ranked (Travel Guide)

8 Safest Countries in South America: Data Ranked (Travel Guide)

Thinking about traveling to South America, but wondering which country to go to? In this article, you’ll see which countries are considered to be the safest according to data, and not the opinions of tourism marketing. You’ll also learn about some interesting places to visit in each country. The safest countries in South America are…

Do Octopuses Have Bones? Guide to Skeleton, Teeth, Beak

Do Octopuses Have Bones? Guide to Skeleton, Teeth, Beak

Love them or hate them, there is no denying that an octopus is an awesome creature. For starters, all octopuses are venomous, have three hearts, and even have blue blood. But just how do they get around? Do octopuses have bones? What about teeth? Octopuses don’t have bones because they are invertebrates. Octopus arms are…

29 Animals that Mate for Life: Monogamous Animals List
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29 Animals that Mate for Life: Monogamous Animals List

There’s a certain sweetness when it comes to animals that mate for life. Scarlet macaws, for example, will spend up to 50 years together. In this post, you’ll learn about monogamous animals, including birds, mammals, fish, crustaceans, even parasites. Up to 90% of bird species are monogamous. When it comes to mammals, only about 5%…

25 Airports in Uganda: Codes, International, Asphalt, Gravel

25 Airports in Uganda: Codes, International, Asphalt, Gravel

Thinking about a trip to Uganda? While it’s true that the biggest reason many would want to go there is for the tourist attractions, the first place you’ll see in the country is most likely the airport. In this guide to airports in Uganda, you’ll learn about the location, codes, and details of the largest…

Do Sharks Have Bones? Guide to Chondrichthyan Shark Cartilage

Do Sharks Have Bones? Guide to Chondrichthyan Shark Cartilage

Sharks are known for their dorsal fin and teeth. But what about bones? Do sharks have bones? And how many? In this post, you’ll learn about shark skeletons, teeth, and cartilage. While they can fossilize, sharks do not have bones. Like all fish made of cartilaginous tissues (elasmobranchs), shark skeletons are made up completely of…

What Do Rhinos Eat? 5 Species Guide to Feeding Habits / Diets

What Do Rhinos Eat? 5 Species Guide to Feeding Habits / Diets

What do rhinos eat? In this article, you’ll learn about the eating habits of all 5 rhino species (white, black, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran). We’ll also discuss additional questions about rhinoceros diets and eating habits. What do Rhinoceros Eat? All 5 species of rhinoceros are herbivores, only eating plants and other vegetation. Rhinos are browsers…

Conservation vs Preservation: Meaning, Differences, Implications
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Conservation vs Preservation: Meaning, Differences, Implications

Maybe you’ve heard the terms conservation and preservation. You may associate these terms with environmentalism or history. What do they mean? What’s the difference between conservation and preservation? What exactly do conservationists and preservationists do? In this article, you’ll learn interesting details about these two similar yet different environmentalism terms. You’ll also see some examples…

About Drew Haines

About Drew Haines

Learn more about Storyteller Travel. And meet the team. Meet Drew Haines Drew Haines is an animal enthusiast and travel writer. She loves to share her passion through her writing. Drew runs two popular animal sites: EverywhereWild and JustBirding. She lived in Ecuador for 6 years and explored the Galapagos Islands. Currently based in N.S.,…