how long do elephants live
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How Long do Elephants Live? Average Lifespan of African, Asian Species

Elephants are popular at zoos and on safari. How long do elephants live? In this post, we’ll consider the lifespan of both Asian and African elephants in the wild and in captivity. African elephants live for 56-70 years in the wild but only live for an average of 17 years while in captivity. Asian elephants…

etruscan shrew
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14 Etruscan Shrew Facts: World’s Smallest Mammal (Non-Flying)

The Etruscan shrew is an incredible little mammal. It is the smallest mammal in the world, aside from a tiny bat. What do we know about this jittery creature? How small are Etruscan shrews? Are they venomous? If you ever get the chance to see one run past, you may think that it had started…

largest eagle in the world
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9 Largest Eagles in the World: Biggest by Weight, Length, Wingspan

Eagles are large, powerful birds of prey. There are 68 species of eagles. In this post, you’ll learn about the largest eagles in the world. The biggest eagles are sorted by weight, length, and wingspan. The largest eagle by weight is Steller’s sea-eagle at 14.75 pounds. The largest eagle by length is the Philippine eagle…

rhinoceros beetle
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22 Rhinoceros Beetle Facts: 1500 Species, Strength Rating

Rhinoceros beetles are certainly cool insects to look at. Both the longest and the heaviest beetles in the world are species of rhinoceros beetles. Where do rhino beetles live? Are they dangerous? How strong are rhino beetles? In this post, you’ll learn all about rhinoceros beetles. Rhinoceros Beetle Overview Common names for rhino beetles include…

fastest animals in africa

13 Fastest Animals in Africa: Speeds, Facts, Photos

What are the fastest animals in Africa? In post, you’ll learn about the fastest predators and prey, land and flying animals. They include wildebeests, ostriches, lions, cheetahs, and two birds. You’ll find top speeds (imperial and metric) plus lots of other facts and resources. The fastest land animal in Africa is the cheetah at 76…

what do rhinos eat

What Do Rhinos Eat? 5 Species Guide to Feeding Habits / Diets

What do rhinos eat? In this article, you’ll learn about the eating habits of all 5 rhino species (white, black, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran). We’ll also discuss additional questions about rhinoceros diets and eating habits. What do Rhinoceros Eat? All 5 species of rhinoceros are herbivores, only eating plants and other vegetation. Rhinos are browsers…

cities in uganda

Guide to 18 Largest Cities in Uganda (Attractions, Population)

Planning a trip to the country of Uganda? In this post, you’ll learn about 18 of the largest cities in Uganda. You’ll learn information like their population, locations, attractions, and more. Armed with this information, you should be able to have a more informed trip to Uganda, and hopefully a more enjoyable one. Guide to…

largest peninsula in the world
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16 Largest Peninsulas in the World (By Area)

There are thousands of peninsulas out there. Have you ever wondered which ones are the largest? In this post, I’ll cover the largest peninsulas in the world. They are listed by area – in square miles and kilometers. What’s the world’s largest peninsula? The Arabian Peninsula is the world’s largest at 1.2 million square miles,…

cheetah vs leopard feature

Cheetah vs Leopard: 14 Key Differences (Speed, Size, Spots)

African leopards and cheetahs are both found in the African wild. What’s the difference between leopard and cheetah species? In this post, you’ll learn 14 key differences between cheetah vs leopard. They include size, spot patterns, diet, speeds, habitat and more. Plus lots of comparison photos. Quick Overview: Cheetah vs Leopard African Leopard Cheetah 14…